SSR 2024
Criteria I
Criteria-I : Curricular Aspects
- 1.1.1 Timetable And Workload
- 1.1.2 Continuous Internal Evalution
- 1.2.1 Elective Courses List and Syllabus
- 1.2.1 Undertaking
- 1.3.1 Cross Cutting Issues List
- 1.3.2 List of Programmes and Courses within related Moot Court, Court Visit, etc.
- 1.3.3 Sample Participation Certificate in Moot Court,Court Visit,etc.
- 1.3.3 List of Students for Mediation etc
- 1.3.4 Evidence of Course Completion Certificate
- 1.3.4 List of Students for value Added Courses
- 1.3.4 Value added Course Notice and Brochure 1
- 1.3.4 Value Added Course List
- 1.4.1 Action taken report
- 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis Report
- 1.4.1 Stakeholder Feedback Form
Criteria 1.1
Criteria 1.2
Criteria 1.3
Criteria 1.4
Criteria II
Criteria-II : Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
- 2.1.1 Admission Approval ARA
- 2.1.1 Sanctioned intake
- 2.2.1 Diversity
- 2.2.2 c List of Teachers in AY 2022.23
- 2.3.1 Teaching methods
- 2.3.2 a mentoring
- 2.3.2 b List of active mentors
- 2.4.1 sanction of post
- 2.4.2 b List of Faculty with PhD
- 2.4.2 d Copy of PhD. award
- 2.5.1 Internal Term Work
- 2.6.1 Course Outcome and Programme Outcome
- 2.6.1 a Outcome based Education
- 2.6.1 b additional info LO CO
Criteria 2.1
Criteria 2.2
Criteria 2.3
Criteria 2.4
Criteria 2.5
Criteria 2.6
Criteria III
Criteria-III : Research Innovations and Extension
- 3.1.1 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies
- 3.1.2 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops conducted by the institution
- 3.2.2 Number of papers published per teacher in the journals.
- 3.2.3 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books
- 3.3.2 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution
- 3.4.1 Number of functional MoUs / linkages with institutions
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research
3.2 Research Publications and Awards
3.3: Extension Activities
3.4: Collaboration
Criteria IV
Criteria-IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources
- 4.1.1 Infrastructure facilities for a. teaching - learning. viz., classrooms
- 4.1.2 Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation
- 4.1.2 Sports Cultural Facilities
- 4.1.3 Smart Classroom
- 4.2.1 Library Automation pdf
- 4.2.1 Library books etc bills pdf
- 4.2.1 Library Usage
- Audited Statement
- 4.3.1 IT Infrastructure
- 4.3.2 IT infrastructure Campus
- 4.3.2 Stock Register
- 4.3.3 IT Facilities For students
- Maintenance
- 4.4.2 Policy for Maintenance etc
4.1: Physical Facilities
4.2: Library as a Learning Resource
4.3: IT Infrastructure
4.4: Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Criteria V
Criteria-V : Students Support and Progression
- Yearwise List of Beneficiary Students
- Sanction Letter
- Policy Documents
- 5.1.2 .2 Capacity Enhancement initiatives taken by Institution Technology in Legal Process
- Capacity Enhancement initiatives taken by Institution Soft Skill
- Capacity Building and Skill Enhancement Life Skill
- Capacity Building and Skill Enhancement Advocacy Skill
- 5.1.3 Career couselling
- 5.1.4 Mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances
- 5.2.1 Placement of ougoing students
- 5.2.2 Registration to State Bar Council
- 5.2.3 Progression to Higher Education
- 5.2.4 Students qualifying in examination
- 5.3.1 Award and Medals won by Students
- 5.3.2 Student Representation and Engagement
- Academic Fest
- Sport Events
- Events by Forum
- Cultural Programmes
- Student Attendance sheets
- Programme Sheets
- 5.4.2 Audited Statement
- 5.4.2 List of Alumni
5.1: Student Support
5.2: Student Progression
5.3: Student Participation and Activities
5.4: Alumni Engagement
Criteria VI
Criteria-VI : Governance, Leadership and Management
- 6.1.1 Vision Mission Objectives of Institution Perspective Plan of Institution and Proceeding Various Committees
- 6.1.2 Various Committees Functioning In The College and Their Proceedings and Governance and Leadership Certificate
- 6.2.1 Perspective and Strategic Plan of Instituion
- 6.2.1 Academic Calender
- 6.2.2 Institutional Organogram
- 6.2.3 Ara Fra AMC Bill E-Governance Biometric License Renewal Feee
- 6.2.3 ERP Bill and Revised Budget 2022-2023 Removed
- 6.2.3 Management Resolution on ERP
- 6.2.3 Screenshots of E-Governance
- 6.3.1 Covid Fund Staff Meeting Record Different Leaves Gratuity Disbursement Leave Encashment
- 6.3.2 Policy Document
- 6.3.2 Copy of Receipt and Payment AC
- 6.3.2 List of Teachers Receiving Financial Support
- 6.3.3 E-Copy of Certificate Attended By Teacher
- 6.3.3 Program Undretaken By The Teacher
- 6.3.3 RC OC SC FDP
- 6.3.4 Annual Self Apprisal Report
- 6.4.1 Internal and External Audit Statement
- 6.4.3 Audited Statment of Accounts
- 6.5.1 IQAC
- 6.5.2 Functioning of IQAC
- 6.5.3 AAA Audit Report and Certificate
- 6.5.3 Certificate of Grant and Appreciation
- 6.5.3 Internal Quality Assurance Cell IQAC
- 6.5.3 List of Orientation Programmes Conducted on Quality Issues For Teachers
- 6.5.3 MOU and Intensive Study Program
- 6.5.3 Gender Audit
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
Criteria VII
Criteria-VII : Institutional Values and Best Practices
- 7.1.1 Gender Equity
- 7.1.2 Energy Conservation
- 7.1.3 Waste Management
- 7.1.4 Water Conservation
- 7.1.5 Green Campus
- 7.1.6 Green Audit
- 7.1.7 Diffrently Abled
- 7.1.8 Tolarance and Harmony
- 7.1.9 Constitutional Obligations
- 7.1.10 Code of Conduct
- 7.2 Best Practices
- 7.3 Institutional Distictivness
7.1: Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.2: Best Practices
7.3: Institutional Distinctiveness
Documents for DVV Clarifications
Metric Level Deviations
Criteria-I : Curricular Aspects
- Minutes of relevant Academic Council
- Affiliating University Letter implememntation CBCS
- List of programs in which CBCS Elective course system certified by Registar
- Structure of the program clearly indicating courses credits
- Percentage of courses that include expriential learning through Moot Courts, etc-
- Field Visit Report
- List of Students undertaking Moot Court,Court Visits etc- (2)
- Participation Certificate in Moot Court, Court Visit report submitted to the University
- List of students for value Added course
- Attendance Record for Value Added Course
- Value Added Course Participation Certificate
- Stakeholders Feedback Form
Criteria-II : Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
Criteria-III : Research Innovations and Extension
- Grants received under lead college & Research Sensitisation Schemes
- Research or workshop sanctioned
- List of Funded Seminar Utilization Certificate
- Research Guide
- Teacher Recognized as Research Guide
- Paper Publication list with Papers
- Research Paper the link landing to the paper, article
- Link re-directing to journal source-cite website
- Cover Page, Content Page Frist Page of Publication
- Geo tagged Photograph merged file New
- List of Activities Conducted under MOU
- MOU 2018-19 to 2022-23
- Extension and Outreach Reports
Criteria-IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources
- Expenditure for infrastructure aumentation
- Annual expenditure of purchase of Books etc
- Number of computers available for students use
- Expenditure incurred on maintenance pdf
Criteria-V : Students Support and Progression
- Sanction Letters of Scholarship
- Year-wise list of students benefitted in each scheme
- Soft Skill
- Language, communication and advocacy skill
- Life Skills (Yoga,Physical fitness,health and hygiene)
- Awareness about use of technology in legal process
- Minutes of the meetings of student redressal committee, annual report of
- Committee report justifying the objective of the metric
- Proof of constitution of Committees
- Placement of ougoing students
- List of student enrolled with Bar Council with Enrollment Numbers and Regisration Certificates
- Student progression to Higher Education Supporting Data
- List of student qualifying exam yearwise with Qualifying cerificates
- Number of awardsmedals won by students with e-copies
- Academic Fest Reports
- Cultural Reports
- Forum Reports
- Sport Reports
- Circular of programms
- Student Attendance sheets
- Audited Statement organized
- List of Alumni organized
Criteria-VI : Governance, Leadership and Management
- ERP Document
- Institutional Expenditure Statement
- Policy Document on E-Governance
- User Interfaces of each module
- Policy Document
- Audited Statement 2018-19 to 2022-23
- E- copy of financial assistance to teachers receiving financial support year wise
- Refresher course Faculty Orientation or other programmes as per UGC year wise
- Anuual reports of prgrams taken by teaching faculty
- E-copy of certificate of the programs attended by teachers
- Suppoting document to be provided as per the option selected all kind of audit should have reports
- Proceedings of meeting of IQAC
- Activity conducted under collaborative quality initiatives with other institution