
Library is the heart of college and provides adequate services to its user. Library was established in academic year 2000
- Presently we have 9394 collections of various type of books. We have specious area for Library. It fulfills the need of researchers, teachers, students, and other staff members of the college community. In the library we have different sections like; book stacking, periodicals, reference, reprography, circulation, and digital library with 10 Computers along the good internet connectivity & well-ventilated reading hall. Transaction of books has been done by computerized Barcode system through E-Granthalaya software and WEB OPAC facility. Now we are switching to KOHA library automation Software.
- Library OPAC
- Library Membership Form
- Book Bank Form
- New Books Recommendation
- Library Feedback Form
- Rules and guidelines for library use, borrowing, and behavior for more details visit library.
Library Policies:
Library Collection

- Presently we have 9394 + collections of various type of books.
- Law Journals/Reports/Bound Volumes -
- AIR (All India Reporter)
- SCC (Supreme Court Cases)
- Maharashtra Law Journal
- Journal of Indian Law Institution
- Bombay Law Reporter
- Bombay Cases Reporter
- Criminal Law Journal
- Civil Court Manual
- Maharashtra Local Act
- Halsbury’s Manual
- Indian Bar Review
- Magazine
- Law Teller
- Lawyer’s update
- Legal News & Views
- The Practical Lawyer
- The Week
- Bhavan’s Journal
- Economics and Political Weekly
- Lex Witness
- Harvard Business Review

- Newspaper
- Indian Express
- Lok Satta
- Pudhari
- Lokmat
- Sakal
- Online Database
- Manupatra -
- MOU Resourses -
- Services in Library
- Orientation to students
- Reference service
- Internet service
- Photocopying service
- Book bank scheme
- Special facilities for the visually - and physically - challenged persons
- Display gallery
- Inter library loan facility
Updated Syllabus
- 1. Law of Crimes I The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita
- 2. The Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam 2023
- 3. Law of Crimes II The Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita 2023
- 4. Law of Crimes I The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita
- 5. The Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam 2023
- 6. Law of Crimes II The Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita 2023
- B.A. LL.B Five Year Pre Law. ISt Year Sem I and II
- Master of Law LL.M. Ist Year Sem I and II
- Five Year Part I Sem I Sem II
- Five Year Part II Sem III Sem IV
- Five Year Part III Sem V Sem VI
- Five Year Part IV Sem VII Sem VIII
- Five Year Part V Sem IX Sem X
- Three Year Part I Sem I Sem II
- Three Year Part II Sem III Sem IV
- Three Year Part III Sem V Sem VI
- LL.M Part I Sem I Sem II
- LL.M Part II Sem III Sem IV
E Resources
- Manupatra:
- Shodhganga:Repository of e-thesis
- Shodhgangotri: Repository of Indian Research in progress details.
- New World Encyclopedia:It provides information on Science and Social science subject areas.
- Encyclopedia Britanica:It provides information of Science, Humanities, Biographical Information etc.
- Rare Book Society of India:Available collection of rare books in India.
- DOAB:Directory of Open Access Books provides access of11865Academic peer-reviewed books and chapters from269publishers.
- NMEICT:National Mission on Education through ICT. It is a project of MHRD Govt. of India.
- CEC Digital Media Library: It is central repository of all educational video programmesproduced by EMRC centres.
- NPTEL: Provides E-learning through online web and video courses in Engineering, Science and Humanities streams.
- Websites of National Libraries of the World
- DOAJ: Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages.
- e-PG Pathshala: The MHRD, under its National Mission on Education through ICT, has assigned work to the UGC for development of e-content in 77 subjects at postgraduate level. High quality, curriculum-based, interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics, and languages is being developed under this initiative named e-PG Pathshala.
- Open Archives of India
- NISCAIR Online Periodical Repository
- OALIB: is Open Access Library. More than 263,388 free accessible academic papers are available presently.
- SPOKEN TUTORIAL: It provides tutorials of Open-Source Software.
- CEC: Consortium for Educational Communication includes Arts, Humanities, Social Science, Natural and applied sciences etc.
- PDF Drive: Provide access to millions of books tutorials, manuals etc.
- PLOS:Public Library of Scienceis a non-profit open access scientific publishing project aimed at creating a library of open-access journals of medicine etc. field.
- OAPEN LIBRARY:contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Internet Archive:is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as archived web pages. In this digital librarytwo million free texts now available
- Digital Library India:Access 124508 books online
- NDL:National Digital Library of India- Ministry of Human Resource Development under its National Mission on Education through ICT has initiated the NDL pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single window search facility. It is being developed by IIT Kharagpur. Currently 6423499+ items available for access.
- Gutenberg: offers over 42,000 free eBooks: choose among free e pub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
- TOC:provides access to tables of contents of over 11,155 scholarly journals.
- Marathi Sahitya: Provides access to Marathi e-books, Poems, Biographies, Recreational Books and History Books etc.