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Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Karad

Student Activities

Student - Center Approach
Now a day to impart only curricular knowledge is insufficient. Every student requires to obtain extra knowledge and to develop additional skills to succeed in his/her own career or profession and also in the life. With this object, this college organizes following various innovative activities for the overall development of the students.
Vidhi - Pushpa - A Law Lecture Series.
The main object of this activity is to obtain in- depth knowledge in a particular legal topic or subject. Expert professionals, academicians, legal lumnaries are invited to in the college to enlighten the students on a legal issues.
Vidhi - Samvad - An Open discussion forum.
A socio-legal topic is selected to discuss openly under this activity. To know about provisions of law with the effective implementation it requires to discuss with various agencies, like police, judges, media people, social reformers etc. The invited experts, students, parents, etc. actively participated in the open discussion.
Vidhi - Bharati - Wall Magazine.
Whenever any activity is organized by the college or any special day is celebrated, our law students prepare wall magazine on the subject concerned called as ‘Vidhi Bharati’. It gives them opportunity to express their views.
Adult & Continuing and Extension work -
Since the academic year 2009-2010 our college has started ‘Elementary course in English for communication’ along with the Shivaji University’s Department of Adult & continuing and extension work. Most of our college students are from Marathi medium and rural area, therefore, to develop English communication skills, the college has started this activity for the law students, specially designed to develop interpersonal as well individual skill.
Lead College Activity -
The concept of lead college activity is introduced by Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The basic idea of this kind of activities is that various programmes like competitions, seminars, workshops, conferences, cultural, sports activities etc, are organized by the college and number of law students or/and faculties are invited from other law colleges which are affiliated to shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Our college has utilized most of the funds in the academic year 2008-2009 by organizing various competitions and workshops.
Remedial Coaching / Crash Course-
Our college organizes Remedial coaching /crash courses, twice a year, to guide the students, who are unsuccessful in the examination.
Sports Week -
Every year, our college organizes sports week, wherein various indoor and outdoor competitions are conducted.
Street Act Play -
Street act plays are conducted on various legal topics like Environmental law, Family law, literacy, Gender justice etc. Roles are played by our law students and such plays are conducted at various crowdy places of Karad taluka.
Moot - Court / Mock trial -
As a fulfillment of the law syllabus, every year Moot courts and Mock trials are conducted in the college. The final year law students actively participated in such activities. It is being organized by the members of Bar Association & Students Council.
Legal-Aid Camps & Awareness Programme -
Every year Two to three legal aid and advice camps are organized by our college at rural places of Karad, district Satara. Street Act plays also conducted for legal awareness of the rural people, which gives them knowledge of legal provisons in the regional language. The camps are organized to spread legal knowledge and to solve legal problems of the rural people.
Lok Adalat & Para Legal Training Programme -
Our college students are sent to get the information & proceeding to be held in Lok adalats in Karad taluka courts. Moreover, Judges are invited to spread the legal awareness and knowledge on various important legal topics .
Prerana Saptah -
Every year 7th Jan. to 13th Jan. our college organizes various activities during this period called as “Prerna Suptah”. It is organized on the eve of Birthdays of Hon’ble Founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Dr. Patangraoji Kadamsaheb (8th Jan) and Hon’ble Secretary of Bharati Vidyapeeth Dr. Vishwajeet Kadam (13th Jan). Various social activities like street play, speeches of eminent scholars socio-legal issues, Poster, Slogan, Elocution Competitions, etc. organized in the college on these occasions.
Day Celebrations -
Various day celebrations like Human Rights Day, World Women Day, International literacy Day, Population Day, and Teachers Day etc are celebrated in the college.

Apart from these, there are various others activities like arranging study tour, sports and cultural activities are arranged by students continuously through motivation of teachers. The achievements of students in various competitions and achievement of ranks is the main feature of the college. Though the college is situated at taluka place, it is working hard to provide every facility of learning and infrastructure to the students with the remarkable support of parent institution Bharati Vidyapeeth. The constant pursuing of the objectives under the guidance of the management, we are sure to reach the GOALS.
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